Segmentation par l’IA basée sur le comportement en matière de retour de commande


Pour tirer le meilleur parti des informations sur les clients, Loomi repère les clients qui reviennent souvent en vérifiant leurs habitudes d’achat et de retour. Les clients sont regroupés dans des segments tels que élevé, moyen, faible ou jamais retourné. Cela aide les marketeurs à créer des stratégies et des messages personnalisés pour stimuler la satisfaction et la fidélité des clients.


Un retailer de mode appelé « FashionFusion » utilise Loomi pour identifier les « serial returners ». La marque découvre que les clients qui retournent fréquemment des articles sans faire d’achats supplémentaires ont une probabilité plus élevée d’être des serial returners « . Elle segmente ces clients en différents groupes en fonction de leur comportement en matière de retour : élevé, moyen, faible ou jamais retourné. Grâce à ces informations, FashionFusion adapte ses stratégies de marketing en conséquence :

  • Clients à fort taux de retour : ModeFusion envoie des e-mails personnalisés proposant des séances de stylisme virtuelles ou des recommandations de taille afin de réduire les retours et d’augmenter la satisfaction des clients.
  • Retourneurs moyens : Ils reçoivent des promotions ciblées telles que des remises exclusives sur leurs futurs achats afin de les encourager à renouveler leurs achats.
  • Faibles retours : FashionFusion souligne leur comportement d’achat positif en leur offrant des récompenses de fidélité ou un accès anticipé aux nouvelles collections.
  • Ceux qui ne reviennent jamais : Des messages de remerciement spéciaux sont envoyés à ces clients pour les remercier de leur fidélité.

Réduisez les coûts, améliorez la rentabilité et augmentez la fidélisation des clients.

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Cas d'utilisation principaux

3 cas d'utilisation recommandés par nos clients

Faites l'expérience d'un marketing sans limites

Grâce aux données en temps réel et à l’IA qui alimentent chaque campagne, vous pouvez débloquer le prochain niveau d’expérience client.


Video Transcript

Hello. In this short video, I'm going to talk about
how you can use Bloomreach engagement
to identify and segment
audiences that are serial
One of the great things about Bloomer engagement
is our flexibility. Just
like we would typically store
purchase related information, we
can also store and commonly do
store return information as
well. So every customer might
make purchases, they might also
make returns and all of that is stored
associated to each customer record
in the form of events. And what we
can do with events is calculate values.
In this case, I've created a couple aggregates
for each customer that is going
to count the number of items that they purchased
as well as the items that they
have returned. So while
Daisy has purchased a lot of products,
five of them, in fact, she's returned
most of those products four out of
the five. So one of the things we've
done here is we've created a segmentation
to put people into a return rate band.
And in this case, she's in the high
band which is greater than 60%.
So my return rate segmentation
which is here has high mid low
and never returners. So my customers
are going to fall into one of these bands
depending on the number of items that they have
returned after purchasing. So
I have a lot of high returners in this example.
Well, what do I want to do with those high
returners? One kind of low
hanging fruit would be maybe we just want
to target them very frequently on
the website with information
about our size guides or things
like that. So we can create
a campaign called a web layer
which would overlay or sit on
top of our existing site as
a pop up or a banner. In
this case, I'm just calling this size guide.
And it's centered over the page where
uh we are saying hi friend need help with sizing.
And then this would hyperlink to
some size guide that you might have published.
And this uh the great thing about
web layers in bloom reach engagement is that
we can be very specific about our audience.
We don't want to serve this to the people that we've
identified as never returners
because they can size themselves just fine. We
can under settings specify
our audience here as only
customers that are in a particular return
rate segment. So I can say the return rate
segment which I've just selected
here from my saved segmentation
equals the high segment. So these
are my segments as previously shown,
which is now going to be 6500
matched customers. So only those people
that are the serial returners that have
the high return rate would be kind
of prompted with the return
uh with the size guide web layer
upon their sessions. So really low
hanging fruit here, very simple to set this up
and identify these customers. And this can
help drastically to reduce your business's
return rate, which is of course, a very
costly thing.

Life With Bloomreach

Watch this video to learn what your life could look like when you use Bloomreach.

Le quotidien avec Bloomreach

Découvrez notre plateforme en vidéo et voyez comment Bloomreach peut changer votre quotidien