Classement selon les magasins


Utilisez la pertinence par segment pour traiter chaque magasin comme un segment et classer les produits en conséquence. Les résultats sont automatiquement personnalisés en fonction du quartier de votre client, en tenant compte de facteurs tels que le revenu, la démographie ethnique et les goûts régionaux. Les résultats s’affichent plus rapidement que l’agrégation de données de personnalisation 1:1.

  • Affichez automatiquement les fraises bio en haut de votre page lorsque de nouveaux clients recherchent des « fraises » dans un code postal de Beverly Hills qui a été déterminé comme préférant les produits biologiques.


Proposer plus rapidement des expériences d’achat personnalisées à un segment en fonction de ses caractéristiques communes.


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Cas d'utilisation principaux

3 cas d'utilisation recommandés par nos clients

Faites l'expérience d'un marketing sans limites

Grâce aux données en temps réel et à l’IA qui alimentent chaque campagne, vous pouvez débloquer le prochain niveau d’expérience client.


Video Transcript

Today, we'll be looking at a very common
search and category page use case.
How do we as a brand or retailer?
Create personalized experiences
based on a user's location.
It's very common that different locations
and different users will have different affinities,
maybe even have different disposable
incomes. And as such will make very different
decisions when they visit the category or search
page. Think
of these examples
in this particular one, we're looking at a grocery
some areas may show a greater
affinity towards biodegradable
or bioproducts.
Other areas will just care about the cheapest
product possible.
Take a fashion example,
a jacket
search for someone in Portugal
will not likely be the same jackets as a person
in Denmark is looking for.
So how do we account for these different user behaviors
in different regions?
There are a number of ways in which to
give bloom reach customer information. This
can be done by a tracking pixel
or even done by a segment. If
one is already creating se segment information
in a customer database,
alternatively, Bloom, which also has the possibility
to create segments directly in our own back end,
whichever method is used as
soon as the customer hits the website room
which will understand which segment
or geography they are in.
Based on this information, boomers will start
tracking every single behavior. Customers
within that geography or segment are performing.
Which products are they engaging in a category level,
which products are they engaging at a search level?
And after time,
rumor will have enough information to
re rank every single category and
search page
for that specific geography.
This starts to create differentiated experiences
based on the exact customer behavior
bloom, which is learning from that particular
or geography.
In this context, you can see
the customer is an odd way,
are preferring whole milk.
This is something we have learned from their behavior.
If we switch to a more affluent segment
in an area such as
you will soon notice
organic milk
is the first and most popular
series of products visible.
What we are doing here is not hiding
milk products from certain segments.
We are purely re ranking.
The product is visible at category or search level
to match the affinity
that this segment is showing us.
In this way. Bloomer can continuously
learn against your customer data and
continuously in real time re
rank both search and category pages
in order to match the needs
and desires of your particular
blue, which has a number of ways in which we can personalize
geography being only one of them.
We're more than happy to talk about the other ways in which
bloom, which can personalize both category BP
and search page experiences with you.
Thank you.

Life With Bloomreach

Watch this video to learn what your life could look like when you use Bloomreach.

Le quotidien avec Bloomreach

Découvrez notre plateforme en vidéo et voyez comment Bloomreach peut changer votre quotidien