Verfolgen Sie Kundentreue und -zufriedenheit für eine bessere Customer Experience

Die Vorteile

Messen Sie die Kundentreue und -zufriedenheit, um das volle Potenzial Ihrer Customer Experience auszuschöpfen.

  • Versenden Sie nach einem Kauf eine Umfrage, in der Sie Ihre Kund:innen um Ihr Feedback zur Customer Experience bitten.
  • Stellen Sie klassische NPS-Fragen im Rahmen jeder Kundenservice-Interaktion.
Der Mehrwert

Sichern Sie sich wertvolle Einblicke über die Treue und die Zufriedenheit Ihrer Kund:innen, identifizieren Sie Optimierungspotenzial und steigern sie Kundenbindung und Umsatz.

Teilen Sie mit Ihrer Gemeinschaft

Empfohlene Produkte:

E-Mail Marketing

Erzielen Sie mehr Umsatz mit weniger E-Mails.

Mobile und App Marketing

Erhöhen Sie Engagement und Kundenbindung mit personalisierten mobilen Nachrichten.

Web Personalisierung

Nutzen Sie Echtzeit-Personalisierung und A/B-Tests für schnelleren ROI.
Ausgewählte Use Cases

3 Von unseren Kunden empfohlene use case

Jetzt grenzenloses Marketing entdecken

Mit Echtzeitdaten und Künstlicher Intelligenz, die jede Kampagne anreichern, schaffen Sie hyper-personalisierte Kundenerfahrungen die begeistern.


Video Transcript

Hello. In this short video, I'm going to
show how Bloomer engagement can help you measure
customer loyalty and satisfaction
uh while identifying
opportunities to improve customer experience
with net promoter scores,
also known as N P S
in Bloom reach engagement.
One of the things we can create is an
automation of campaigns.
An example of this is a post
purchase N P S flow that's
going to be triggered when someone actually
makes a purchase. So this is a trigger based
campaign where when a person
makes a purchase, they enter
this flow automatically. And in this
example, we're going to give them two weeks, maybe
we want the product to show up before
we ask them for uh their feedback.
And then we are going to send them an N
P S email. And in this email,
we might say regarding your recent order and
the point of this email is to get
that N P S uh survey in front
of them. So it supposed to be very simple.
In this case, we're just asking how likely
are you to recommend us to your friends and family? Zero
through 10, 10 being the most likely zero
being not at all. So we're trying to understand
whether someone is uh a net promoter
or a net detractor of our business.
Of course, the uh the user experience
as they click this, this is going to be logged
by bloomer engagement automatically.
So we store this in a survey
event. So Bernard as an example, customer
has uh has filled out this
survey a few years ago. May 2020 where
uh he received this question and he put in
an answer of 10. So he would obviously a
net promoter. Uh on the flip
side of that, if we received a zero or a
low score, uh we could actually use
the low score to take further action.
So perhaps that's uh wiring
up another scenario that upon
a low net promoter scores uh submission,
we then maybe pass
this data to open a support ticket
in a support system uh which
you could use one of our migrations to fresh
desk gorgeous or Zendesk to do that.
Uh Maybe your customer support team reaches out
to a net detractor to hopefully
make them happier. So, uh this can be
really beneficial uh just
by automating this follow up experience and
it really allows you as a business to gain insights
into your customer sentiment uh and
try to improve that to ultimately
increase your customer uh satisfaction,
retention and revenue.

Life With Bloomreach

Watch this video to learn what your life could look like when you use Bloomreach.

Bloomreach im Alltag

Bereit für weniger Stress und mehr Erfolg? Jetzt entdecken wie Ihr Alltag mit Bloomreach aussehen könnte.