Senken Sie die Kosten für SMS durch gezieltes Targeting von SMS-affinen Zielgruppen

Der Vorteil

Optimieren Sie Ihre SMS-Kosten, indem Sie nur den Kund:innen SMS-Nachrichten statt E-Mails senden, die auch besser darauf ansprechen.

  • Filtern Sie Zielgruppen, die gut auf SMS ansprechen, und senden Sie den anderen kostengünstigere E-Mails.

Der Mehrwert

Kosten senken und Engagement steigern.


Teilen Sie mit Ihrer Gemeinschaft

Empfohlene Produkte:

SMS und Messaging

Konvertieren Sie mehr Kunden mit weniger Texten.
Ausgewählte Use Cases

3 Von unseren Kunden empfohlene use case

Jetzt grenzenloses Marketing entdecken

Mit Echtzeitdaten und Künstlicher Intelligenz, die jede Kampagne anreichern, schaffen Sie hyper-personalisierte Kundenerfahrungen die begeistern.


Video Transcript

Let Bloomreach, help your business decrease
SMS costs by only messaging
people who do not engage on email.
For this example,
I'm gonna build out a scenario here
to show you just how simple it is
by creating a few conditions
to target folks that are more engaged
on SMS
and send the following emails
to the rest of your audience.
You can see I start with about eight million customers
and we're gonna add some cri criteria here
to hopefully filter down based on what
we just talked about. So we're gonna search for campaigns
and in this campaign criteria,
we're gonna look for a specific action
type. Now, this action type
attribute helps us narrow
down further by this email channel.
So we're talking about all the email campaigns.
And historically, we want to understand
based on the status of those folks
that engage.
So we're gonna say not in
and for all the different statuses,
we're going to filter out the folks that
um don't open
or don't click
right. So down here
and you can see in real time, it automatically
goes down to about 2.5 million customers
we can further clone this entire
piece and also say
for campaigns
that do
match SMS
and the status in this case now equals
for these two,
we kind of call this condition
maybe focus on SMS
across the historical lifetime.
And we finish. Now, we can pull
in a native channel that says for
the folks here because they don't typically
engage with emails opens or clicks,
we're going to send them a native S MS
message. And then for the folks that do,
we can pull in an email node
and mark it to them accordingly.
Hopefully, this helps you understand how
to reduce costs and provide higher
engagement by qualifying
and filtering down your audiences
with a better set of criteria.

Life With Bloomreach

Watch this video to learn what your life could look like when you use Bloomreach.

Bloomreach im Alltag

Bereit für weniger Stress und mehr Erfolg? Jetzt entdecken wie Ihr Alltag mit Bloomreach aussehen könnte.