Optimieren Sie Product Recommendations mit Pathways

Der Vorteil

Gestalten Sie proaktiv Ihre Customer Experience für möglichst positive Markenerlebnisse.

  • Erstellen Sie eine Kategorie für neue Produkte mithilfe eines Pathway und fügen sie über eine „nur“-Regel ausschließlich „neue Produkte“ hinzu.
  • Fügen Sie dynamische Produkte für bestimmte Markenaktionen hinzu, indem Sie Such-Pathways nutzen und eine „nur“-Regel für die Marken, die Sie hervorheben möchten, hinzufügen.
  • Gestalten Sie Ihren Online- wie Ihren Offlinestore und ermöglichen Sie Ihren Kund:innen, auf einen Blick Produkte aus Unterkategorien zu entdecken.
Der Mehrwert

Kundenzufriedenheit und Conversion Rate mit relevanten Suchergebnissen verbessern.


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Empfohlene Produkte:


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Video Transcript

Hello, everyone
today we'll be walking through how we can use
Bloom reach's search pathways to help
highlight and showcase specific brands
when users execute a search query
on your website.
This helps the merchandiser to be able
to prepare for an upcoming collaboration
or sale that you might be having as
a business with this specific brand.
And hence you want to be able to showcase those items
at the top of the results page when someone
executes a query.
So right now on my website, if
I search for a query
of chair,
I get the result sets for
that query.
However, I would like on the top
of the result sets to be able to have
a widget that showcases all
the brands for these particular chairs.
So to do that, I would navigate to
my merchandizing tool
within my pathways and recommendations
I am going to add a widget.
We're gonna call this widget a brand
and we will give it the same description.
Mhm Then the primary
algorithm we're gonna use is that keyword
So this tells the algorithm that whatever
keyword is being searched for. I
wanted to curate and merchandise a specific
experience for those search results.
So on the next step,
I'm going to then go to my
and create an attribute rule
for the brand that we want to highlight today. So
today's brand we will be choosing is
for the Pacific A boat.
And we're gonna set that to be an include
only rule.
I'm going to click on done.
Then I'm gonna click on save
and that will generate this widget
ID that I could then use to configure
onto my page for my
search results.
So to do that, I'm gonna go to my experience
I'm gonna navigate down to my search page
and I am going to add a product
grid widget
to the top of the results page.
So now that I've added that widget to the top
of the search results, I'm going to configure
that widget. Now with that widget ID
that we just created.
Uh First actually, I'm gonna select the
widget type so it knows to look
for that keyword.
And then in the widget id, I'm going to paste
that widget ID that we just created.
And again, I'm gonna
put the title of this as brand
for the number of columns.
I want to show four products in that
and I'm going to go ahead and click on save.
Once I click save, I will then publish
this page
to push those changes live to my site.
And now if I go back to my web page
and I refresh
now you'll see for that search query of chairs
above the result set.
I am highlighting and showcasing
chairs that match the search result
for that brand of Pacific Abode.
Thank you.

Life With Bloomreach

Watch this video to learn what your life could look like when you use Bloomreach.

Bloomreach im Alltag

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