Utiliser les facettes globales pour déterminer le classement des facettes


Configurez l’ordre des facettes pour choisir ce que les visiteurs voient sur vos pages de catégories et de recherche – ou laissez l’algorithme de Bloomreach décider pour vous.

  • En tant que retailer, cachez toujours la « marque » dans les catégories où vous en avez des milliers afin de simplifier l’expérience d’achat des clients. De cette façon, ils peuvent facilement regarder d’autres facettes plus critiques comme la catégorie, la couleur ou le prix


Optimisez le contrôle en gérant vous-même votre commande de facettes sur toutes les pages – ou exploitez l’interaction avec les visiteurs et les informations sur les produits grâce à l’algorithme de Bloomreach.


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Video Transcript

With inside the bloom reach dashboard, I have
the ability to manage
my facets on
both a global basis or a
per search term or per category
But today, I'm gonna go in and manage
my global facets.
So inside the global facet editor,
I have the ability to see
all the potential facets uh
that would be displayed based on the data
that's being passed to bloom range.
And here's where I can also go in
and determine whether they should be always
boosted towards the top
and shown buried towards the bottom,
maybe always show them but not be
in a specific order or simply
let the Algo algo control those
and that would be based on customer engagement
with those different facet values. So
I've got a few different options here. So
I'm not gonna show my collections.
So that's something that I'm always going to hide
just site wide. That's more of an internal
use that we are
uh that our collections are applied to
um same thing with country of origin. I don't
need that to be displayed um
to the end users. Now, brand
is very important for my business. So I'm going
to boost and always show that
uh the best sellers I'm going to always
show, but it doesn't necessarily have to always
be at the top and categories
often used quite a bit too. So I'm gonna
boost and always show that
the rest of these. I'm just gonna let the Algo
place them where I need to. Um
Although I am gonna disable also,
um the online only,
I'm just gonna bury that towards the bottom.
So that's how I can go in and set those preferences
that would be applied across my entire catalog,
whether I'm on a search page or
a category page.

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