Recommander automatiquement aux visiteurs les produits tendance et de saison


Loomi utilise les données d’engagement des clients pour mettre automatiquement en évidence les produits tendances ou saisonniers lorsque les nouveaux visiteurs ou ceux qui reviennent arrivent sur le site.

  • Caviarder les recommandations pour les produits les plus performants et encourager les clients à cliquer dans différentes pages de produits, en commençant dès la page d’accueil. Mettez en avant les tendances ou les thèmes saisonniers, comme les fournitures pour les fêtes de fin d’études en mai, en raison de l’intérêt accru des autres acheteurs qui prévoient des fêtes de fin d’études à la même période.


Augmenter les taux de conversion en mettant en évidence les produits saisonniers, les produits à la mode et les meilleures ventes pour les acheteurs lorsqu’ils arrivent sur le site.


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Cas d'utilisation principaux

3 cas d'utilisation recommandés par nos clients

Faites l'expérience d'un marketing sans limites

Grâce aux données en temps réel et à l’IA qui alimentent chaque campagne, vous pouvez débloquer le prochain niveau d’expérience client.


Video Transcript

Hello, everyone today. We'll be walking
through how we can use Bloom. Reach's A I powered
recommendations to display trending
products at the top of your home page.
So that's as visible to your customers when they
visit your site, which will ultimately help
drive higher conversion rates and more revenue
for your business.
So to do that first, I wanted to show you
uh the page as it is before we make those
changes. So here's my Pacific home page
and you'll notice as I scroll down on this page,
uh It's not till you get to almost the middle of the page
is where you start seeing some of those recommended products.
So I'm going to be able
to add, using those A I driven
recommendations. A widget to the top of the page
that's gonna show me some of my best selling box.
So to do that, I'm going to navigate to
the blue reaches merchandizing dashboard.
I'm gonna navigate to my pathways and
recommendations widget.
Uh And then I'm gonna click on add widget
in this a widget. I'm going to type
in best sellers for the name
of my widget
and I'm also going to put that as a description
for my primary algorithm. This is the,
you know what's gonna drive the products that show
up in that widget that we're going to create.
So for this, we're gonna select the best sellers,
which will the A I algorithm will automatically
choose products that are trending and performing
best on your site today uh As some
of your top selling products, and
we're gonna go ahead and click on save.
Once we do that, you'll see we have generated
now this best selling widget ID.
So now with this widget ID, I'm
going to go into uh my
content management system and I'm gonna find this
home page and I'm gonna be able to add this
widget to the top of the home page.
So to do that, I'm gonna go into my Blue
Meach experience manager.
I'm gonna see that home page
and in that home page, I'm going to
scroll to where I want to add
that widget
and I would simply go into my components,
find the product grid widget
and I will go ahead and add that to
the page.
Once I do that, you'll see this
banner display where the
uh trending products will be displayed.
But in order for me to show the right products, I have to
configure this widget with the correct
So I'm gonna go ahead and in my
settings, I'm going to copy and paste
in that widget ID that we just mentioned
and we're gonna give that a title
and call that best sellers.
We want to then be able to make sure that we
are showing uh about four products
in that column of that widget.
And we'll go ahead and click on save.
You'll also notice that as I'm making these changes,
you can see a preview of what those would look like real
time uh in this navigation
window. Once I do that,
I will go ahead and click on publish
so that I can push those changes live to the site.
And now I can go to my home page
and I, when I hit refresh, you'll
now see those
trending products or those best sellers
displayed at the top of your home page,
which again will show higher
visibility to your customers and ultimately
drive higher conversion rates and more revenue
for your business.
Thank you.

Life With Bloomreach

Watch this video to learn what your life could look like when you use Bloomreach.

Le quotidien avec Bloomreach

Découvrez notre plateforme en vidéo et voyez comment Bloomreach peut changer votre quotidien