Limiter le nombre de communications en fonction de la valeur vie et de l’engagement des clients


Limitez automatiquement les communications sur votre campagne omnicanale (e-mail, SMS, app ou navigateur) en fonction de l’engagement du client avec la politique de fréquence de Bloomreach.

  • Julien ne s’engage que rarement avec des e-mails, il sera donc placé dans un segment basé sur la politique de fréquence. De cette façon, vous pouvez limiter les communications par e-mail envers Julein dans vos campagnes omnicanales.

Vous constaterez un meilleur engagement et une expérience client améliorée.


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Cas d'utilisation principaux

3 cas d'utilisation recommandés par nos clients

Faites l'expérience d'un marketing sans limites

Grâce aux données en temps réel et à l’IA qui alimentent chaque campagne, vous pouvez débloquer le prochain niveau d’expérience client.


Video Transcript

Below. In this short video, I'm going to talk
about how Bloomereach engagement can help you
intelligently limit the number of
communications that you send to
your customers and prospects based
on each of those customers
engagement or lifetime value
within bloomer engagement,
you'll be able to use our frequency policies
to automatically
set caps for the number of
communications that each of your customers and prospects
receive. So within a single
campaign in bloom reach engagement,
whether that's a single channel
email only or multichannel,
uh every action meaning an email
or an S MS has a couple settings
that you need to configure. One of
those is of course linking it to a consent category.
So this is of course an email.
So we would want to link this to our email
consent category. So only people opted
into that email consent category would
receive this and we can also link
this to a frequency policy.
So within our project settings
uh under privacy management, there's
this frequency policy which we can set
and we come with one of those out of the box which
is called the smart newsletter policy.
This puts people each of your customers
into a segment based on their current
engagement with your campaigns, as
well as their current engagement with your website.
So depending on if someone's really active
or someone's completely passive or even lapsed,
they are capped at different number of communications
or messages per time period that
is specified here. So people that
are new can get one per hour, two per day,
four per week. People that are completely lapsed
and in active are actually suppressed in this example.
So when we're creating our campaigns and
we're linking an email as an example
uh to a frequency
policy, we can specify that this is on a limited
policy. Maybe that's your very high value
campaigns like abandoned cart and things like that
for the usual sense that you
might have where you're just sending someone information
about top products that's not based
on a customer action, you can apply
this policy which will then cap
your particular customers
at a certain number of messages depending on
the policy that they fall into. And this
can either be done for email uh as
well as for something like an S MS. So
the S MS editor has the same options
where I can link this to a frequency policy
as well as a consent category.
And this can really help to uh tie
to, to not overwhelm
my customers with the number of communications
that I'm sending them, which will hopefully
result in higher engagement and a better
customer experience because you might
be actually communicating with them less.

Life With Bloomreach

Watch this video to learn what your life could look like when you use Bloomreach.

Le quotidien avec Bloomreach

Découvrez notre plateforme en vidéo et voyez comment Bloomreach peut changer votre quotidien