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baby-walz Uses Bloomreach Engagement to Deliver Incredible Customer Experiences


Story Behind the Brand

Headquartered in Germany, baby-walz specializes in everything for young children and nursing mothers. It has a network of physical stores and an online storefront that gets more than a million visits per month. It sells a range of products, including clothing, strollers, and baby furniture.

average open rate on personalized emails sent to expectant mothers that were tailored to their pregnancy stage


After the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union, it became critically important for ecommerce companies to carefully collect the consent of their customers. Marketing communications can only be sent to customers that have given consent to receive them.

baby-walz wanted to ensure that it stayed compliant with GDPR, respected its customers’ privacy, and still was able to offer the same quality of marketing campaigns that its loyal customers were accustomed to.

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Build Segments & Audiences

Build targeted segments and advanced customer analytics in Bloomreach to reach the right customers at the right time without relying on your tech team.

Bloomreach Engagement

Create personalized email, SMS, web, and mobile campaigns from a single platform.

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Bloomreach Engagement, which is hosted on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP), offers a full suite of customer-centric consent management tools, which helps baby-walz stay GDPR compliant when emailing and working with other customer touchpoints.

The best practice for getting customers’ consent requires a double opt-in procedure. This means asking for customers’ consent on a company’s web page and then sending them an email asking them to confirm their consent.

baby-walz quickly set up and implemented this double opt-in scenario using Bloomreach Engagement’s visual campaign creator. As a part of the opt-in process, baby-walz collected key information about their customers, including their preference for marketing materials and information about their expected child.

One of baby-walz’s key customer segments is expecting mothers. Thanks to the key information collected in the double opt-in scenario, baby-walz was able to offer these expecting mothers a much more personalized experience with its brand during their pregnancies. The information collected helped identify which stage of the pregnancy they were in and baby-walz sent emails tailored to different pregnancy stages to different customers.


A marketing tool with enormous potential! After integrating with Bloomreach, we’ve taken our campaign personalization to a new level — and our customers love it.


Elena Linsenmaier

Ecommerce - Leitung Online Marketing & CRM, baby-walz GmbH


This campaign delivered excellent results. The average open rate for these emails sent to expectant mothers was 53.8%, illustrating the power of such personalized emails.

baby-walz set up this scenario in Bloomreach Engagement quickly and independently, thanks to a user-friendly interface.

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