Afficher des résultats différents si le visiteur est nouveau ou habitué


Loomi personnalise l’expérience d’achat en affichant des résultats de recherche différents selon que l’acheteur est un nouveau visiteur ou un visiteur habituel.

  • Loomi présente automatiquement les nouveaux produits aux visiteurs qui ne sont pas venus sur le site au cours des 30 derniers jours.

Augmenter les taux de conversion et la valeur moyenne des commandes en présentant des produits plus pertinents aux nouveaux visiteurs du site et à ceux qui reviennent.


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3 cas d'utilisation recommandés par nos clients

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Grâce aux données en temps réel et à l’IA qui alimentent chaque campagne, vous pouvez débloquer le prochain niveau d’expérience client.


Video Transcript

Let's carry it an experience for customers
that we haven't seen in the past 30 days.
There's a good chance they have not seen our newest brand
that was recently launched.
Coming into our dashboard. We want
to first establish that audience
selecting audiences and
merchandizing audiences.
We want to add a new audience
first. We'll establish the audience name
and select a dimension.
Now, here we'll enter 30 days
and we'll click save.
Now, you can see that this audience has been established
and can now be applied to any
type of merchandizing rule.
So to go ahead and complete this
task, we want to enter setup
and go under our global configurations,
going under the global configurations, we'll
find our global ranking rules
and here we'll add a rule. Now,
what we wanna do is we want to apply this instance
to uh whether our customers
are searching or browsing. So
we're actually going to choose the top global ranking
rule versus focusing on a category
or search ranking rule.
The first step we'll do is we'll
be able to come in and apply that audience. So
selecting that drop down, you can select
that not seen in 30 days audience.
And this is exactly how we're going to be able
to curate this experience and boosting
this new brand that we have
um to those individuals that have not
been on the site in the past month,
so I can come under our attributes
and I will create a new attribute rule
pulling in from product description attributes.
Now, what I wanna do is I wanna select that new
brand, which is Pacific style
select done.
And here I'm gonna come and give it a pretty good boost.
So now I've applied this style
as soon as I click on save, this
will go into action and
any audience member, any visitor
that has not been to the site
in the past 30 days will now have
a uh recall set or a product
listing page that is going to be boosting
those products within that new
brand Pacific Style uh that
we recently launched.

Life With Bloomreach

Watch this video to learn what your life could look like when you use Bloomreach.

Le quotidien avec Bloomreach

Découvrez notre plateforme en vidéo et voyez comment Bloomreach peut changer votre quotidien