Personnaliser les e-mails en fonction du niveau de fidélité des VIP


Segmentez votre audience par niveau de fidélité et personnalisez les e-mails pour une expérience vraiment personnalisée.

  • « Bonjour Delphine, en tant que cliente VIP, nous vous remercions ! Profitez de la livraison gratuite sur votre prochaine commande en témoignage de notre gratitude. »


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3 cas d'utilisation recommandés par nos clients

Faites l'expérience d'un marketing sans limites

Grâce aux données en temps réel et à l’IA qui alimentent chaque campagne, vous pouvez débloquer le prochain niveau d’expérience client.


Video Transcript

Hello. In this short video, I'm going to
show how within Bloomreach engagement,
you can create and personalize
your emails based on your customers
loyalty tiers.
The example
scenario or campaign that
I'm going to use is this R F M based
reengagement campaign. So here
we are looking for people that are at risk
of churn customers that are at risk of
and we are going to send them an email
with the content of that email dynamic
based on their loyalty tier
within the email builder
in Bloom reach engagement, your content
lives within rows. So images,
text and things like that live
within uh rows, that house, that
content. So this uh text
here is within the larger row
that is containing it
and within rows or associated
to rows. There's an option to add display
conditions where you can
segments to each row.
So only certain segments
are displayed certain rows
when they receive an email. So
the net of this is that you can create an
email with multiple rows, set
display conditions for those rows
and have the email that each person
receives be different depending on
the loyalty tier in this example, but
really any segment that you want.
So the example I have here, if
I go to my preview for the
loyalty based uh
display condition for the rose
is going to have the same image at the top
and then it's going to have information about their
current tier. So uh this person
Melvin is a silver tier. But if I
flip through my customers in
my preview here, you'll see that Washington
is platinum and my next
customer might be gold. Uh Warren
is a gold customer. So this row that
houses all of that content is going
to be dynamic depending on the customer's loyalty
tier, which is a segment we have created.
So this is really going to allow
you to be more personalized
with each of your emails to each of your audience
uh as well as really show
some of the VIP S maybe your platinum
uh customers a unique experience
in the email because you can actually have
a content that only those customers
will see.
So hopefully this was a valuable overview
to help you understand how you can really increase
that personalization for your customers
loyalty being the use case here to
drive customer experience and engagement.

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