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SMS Product Recommendations

Increase the number of purchases with SMS recommendations of the most popular products. In this use case, customers who have not purchased from you in the last month receive an SMS with the most popular product recommendation, including the link to buy it. You can also send MMS messages to include a product image, and increase the liklihood of a new purchase. This use case works with the recommendation engine which needs to be connected to your product catalog.







Available in Use Case Center


Gaining back the attention of customers who last purchased from you a while ago is a challenge that every business needs to solve for. In this use case, you use the highly effective SMS channel to show your customers the most popular products and win their attention. They will want to take advantage of products that are so popular among other customers!

“SMS marketing yields an impressive click-through rate of 19% compared to 4% by Email marketing and 1% by Facebook. Engage with your customers via SMS and use the powerful social proof trick to increase your sales by showing the most popular products.”

Explore more from our Use Case Library

Loyalty Program
Retention Campaign for Repeat Purchasers
SMS Subscription DOI Checkout Banner
Web Personalization
Next-Day Delivery Countdown Banner
Web Personalization
AI-Segmented Single Opt-in Email Subscription Banner
Reactivation Campaign for Disengaged Email Subscribers

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