Customers are more likely to make a purchase if offered a discount, especially if they’re hesitant. This use case goes one step further, allowing customers to have immediate access to the discount code versus searching through their inbox for it.
Provide your customers with an option to easily copy a discount code to their clipboard. Offering discounts to your customers makes it more tempting for them to make a purchase. Additionally, as the banner can only be minimized and not closed entirely, the customer is reminded of the discount offer during the whole session.
Available in Use Case Center
Customers are more likely to make a purchase if offered a discount, especially if they’re hesitant. This use case goes one step further, allowing customers to have immediate access to the discount code versus searching through their inbox for it.
“Receiving discounts releases oxytocin, in turn making shoppers happier — and less likely to abandon their carts. By 2017, 97% percent of retailers cited discounting as their top pricing strategy, and within the last years, shoppers’ expectations of receiving a discount has only increased.”
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London & New York, Sep 2024
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