Episode 89: What the Retail AI Council Wants You to Know About AI

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Commerce Experience Podcast, Episode 89 with AI Retail Council

Too many conversations about AI in commerce fail to  account for the legitimate questions and concerns of retailers that are being asked to take a huge leap of faith into a new world. Without clear guidance from trusted sources, the gap between technological advancements promoted by AI providers and the readiness of retailers to adopt these technologies will only continue to widen.

This week, Elena speaks with Andrew Laudato, COO at The Vitamin Shoppe, who is the Chairman and Co-Founder of the Retail AI Council, and Josh Baumrind, Chief Partnership Officer at the Retail AI Council. Andrew and Josh are committed to educating commerce professionals about the potential of AI and bridging the gap between partners and retailers — meaning, there’s no one better equipped to provide a trusted overview of the opportunities, challenges, and concerns presented by artificial intelligence.


  • Why AI can enhance customers’ shopping experiences with relevant information 
  • What you should do to maintain realistic discussions about AI commerce solutions
  • How to address the latest ethical and legal considerations of AI in retail

I look at AI through the lens of the crawl, walk, and run framework. I think where retailers are right now is at the “crawl. “But when we flip it around and look at it from the tech providers perspective, they’re in the “run.” And this is where the AI Retail Council is trying to bridge the gap. 

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