Commerce Experience

What Is Generative AI? Everything You Need To Know

By Carl Bleich


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The recent advancements in generative artificial intelligence (AI) are presenting exciting opportunities to ecommerce businesses looking to streamline operations, improve personalization, and create engaging content for their customers.

Generative AI involves using machine learning algorithms to create realistic and coherent outputs based on raw data and training data. Generative AI models can include generative adversarial networks (GANs), diffusion models, and recurrent neural networks, among others. These models use large language models (LLMs) and natural language processing to generate unique outputs, with applications ranging from image and video synthesis to text and speech generation.

The use of generative models and machine learning models in ecommerce is becoming increasingly popular, with many businesses using generative AI tools to automate business functions such as order processing, product recommendations, chatbots, and more. These AI technologies help streamline business processes by reducing manual labor, improving efficiency, and enhancing the customer experience by personalizing content and recommendations. The application of generative AI technology includes improving search capabilities on ecommerce platforms, using voice assistants, and creating chatbots that can mimic natural language.

Generative AI systems can be trained on a wide range of training data, such as product descriptions, user reviews, and social media feeds. This enables businesses to analyze and utilize large amounts of raw data, generating highly personalized and relevant content, recommendations, and ads. The generative AI model enables businesses to engage with their customers on a much deeper level and create a meaningful connection between the brand and the audience.

Generative AI is quickly becoming the foundation of many AI systems, as businesses are increasingly using this technology to streamline operations, automate workflows, and create personalized experiences for their customers. As deep learning and neural networks continue to advance, businesses will be able to use generative AI to create even more engaging and personalized experiences.

Generative AI is becoming this ever-important foundation because in the world of digital commerce, you have to be able to offer customers your brand's absolute best at all times if you hope to succeed. 

By tailoring experiences that meet customers' specific needs and preferences, companies can drive sales and build brand loyalty to keep up in today’s extremely competitive market. The traditional approach of one-size-fits-all marketing is no longer effective, and increasingly, businesses that can’t use ecommerce personalization to tailor customer experiences are falling behind their competitors that can.  

Need proof? Consider these statistics from McKinsey

  • 76% of consumers are more likely to consider purchasing from companies that use ecommerce personalization strategies 
  • 78% of consumers are more likely to make a repeat purchase with a brand that personalized their online shopping experience
  • 76% of consumers become frustrated when they don’t get a personalized experience

With numbers like that in mind, companies have raced to adopt marketing technologies that will allow them to create the tailored online experiences that customers so obviously want. The benefits of generative AI will allow companies to dive even deeper with ecommerce personalization and automate more of the customer experience.

Ecommerce personalization possibilities are endless with generative AI.

What Is Generative AI? 

Generative AI is defined as a type of artificial intelligence system capable of generating text, images, or other media in response to prompts. 

Most often, people prompt a generative AI platform or tool with a command or question, then receive a relevant response back extremely quickly, which gives generative AI a conversational feel. It’s even prompting companies to begin investigating conversational commerce solutions to help take personalization online to the next level (more on that later). 

At its core, generative AI is a subset of artificial intelligence that seeks to imitate the creativity and productivity of human beings. Rather than being told specifically what to do every step of the way, generative AI is designed to create and innovate on its own, with minimal human intervention. The algorithms used in generative AI are trained on massive datasets and can create new, unique outputs based on the information that they’ve been fed.

The better the prompt, the better the output. For example, a prompt such as “tell me the weather today” may require additional conversation to reach your desired answer. However, prompting “tell me the weather today in New York City, I need to know if I need my raincoat for my walk to the subway” will likely give you the answer you’re looking for. 

Accurate prompts are key to making the most out of generative AI.

*Source: Jasper.AI

As the field of artificial intelligence continues to evolve, generative AI is increasingly being used by businesses, researchers, and creators to drive innovation in a variety of fields. From ecommerce to entertainment, the possibilities of generative AI are seemingly endless. 

By using this technology to analyze data and create new content, businesses can gain valuable insights into their customers' preferences and behaviors, leading to greater engagement and loyalty over time. As you explore generative AI further, you'll discover how it can help you better connect with your audience and drive real results for your ecommerce business.

Exploring the Various Types of Generative AI Models

Let’s dive deeper into the world of generative AI models and explore the different types that are shaping the future of technology. 

Generative AI models offer a wide range of possibilities, paving the way for innovative applications across various industries. By understanding the different types of generative AI, we can appreciate their unique capabilities and harness their potential to create groundbreaking solutions.

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

Generative adversarial networks (GANs) consist of two neural networks: a generator and a discriminator. The generator creates realistic data samples, while the discriminator evaluates the authenticity of the generated samples. Through continuous competition, these networks improve, resulting in highly realistic outputs such as images, videos, and even 3D models.

Variational Autoencoders (VAEs)

Variational autoencoders are another prominent type of generative AI. They use an encoder to identify essential features of the input data and compress it into a lower-dimensional space. Then, the decoder reconstructs the original data from the compressed representation, creating new samples that share similar characteristics with the original data. VAEs are widely used for generating images, text, and music.

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)

Recurrent neural networks are particularly adept at handling sequential data, making them ideal for tasks involving time series, natural language processing, and speech recognition. RNNs possess a unique ability to remember past inputs, allowing them to generate outputs based on context and temporal dependencies.

Transformer Models

Transformer models have recently gained significant attention, primarily due to their success in natural language processing tasks. These models rely on self-attention mechanisms, enabling them to capture complex relationships within the input data. Transformer models, such as GPT-3, are incredibly powerful for generating high-quality text and have numerous applications in chatbots, content generation, and translation.

Popular Generative AI Tools

As other generative AI models are being developed and trained, several generative AI tools are becoming increasingly popular for their ability to create realistic and coherent outputs across various applications. Specifically, ChatGPT, Bard, and Dall-E have made significant impacts for curious early adopters all over the world. 


ChatGPT is an impressive AI tool developed by OpenAI, designed to generate high-quality, human-like text responses in the form of conversation. 

Thanks to its reliable and relatable nature, ChatGPT carved out a niche for many who work anywhere from customer support to content creation professions. Its smart and powerful natural language processing capabilities have made it a go-to choice for businesses looking to automate and streamline their operations, while maintaining a high level of engagement with their customers.


Bard is another interesting generative AI tool that focuses on helping users generate creative and engaging written content. 

With its confident and smart approach, Bard can assist writers in overcoming writer's block, brainstorming ideas, and even writing full-length articles, stories, or blog posts. Its ability to understand context and generate text that flows naturally makes it a valuable tool for both professional and amateur writers alike. 


Dall-E, also developed by OpenAI, is a groundbreaking AI tool that specializes in image generation from textual descriptions. 

By leveraging advanced deep learning algorithms and neural networks, Dall-E can create highly detailed images based on simple input phrases. This innovative tool has opened up new possibilities for artists, designers, and content creators who are looking for unique visual elements to enhance their work. 

Generative AI in the World of Ecommerce

All in all, generative AI is the newest of many tools that help complete the customer experience in ecommerce

By using generative AI algorithms to create real-time, dynamic web content that engages customers in a unique and customized shopping experience, ecommerce companies will see greater engagement, increased conversions, and improved brand loyalty. That’s a win for every ecommerce company, regardless of size or vertical. 

Generative AI also allows businesses to analyze customer data such as browsing patterns, purchase history, and other key demographic information to create personalized recommendations and targeted offers on the fly. This means that customers are presented with content that is relevant to them and their interests, making the shopping experience far more engaging and satisfying.

In many cases, businesses may not even have to specifically ask their customers for preferences or demographic information. By analyzing customer interactions and datasets generated by each individual interaction, generative AI can pick up on small cues that indicate what a customer is interested in or what they may be looking for.

Basically, generative AI represents a huge breakthrough in terms of convenience, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. 

Ecommerce will benefit from recent innovations in generative AI.

The Impact of AI on Online Shopping

The rise in popularity of all different forms of AI has transformed the online retail industry in countless ways, particularly when it comes to online shopping. Today, consumers expect a seamless shopping experience that’s tailored to their unique needs and preferences, and AI has enabled retailers to meet these demands in a more effective and efficient way.

In addition to the ability to create highly personalized experiences (as mentioned earlier), another important impact of AI on online shopping is the ability to improve operational efficiencies. AI-powered solutions can optimize inventory management, automate the supply chain, and streamline fulfillment processes.

This can lead to reduced costs and improved productivity. Moreover, AI can help retailers make more informed business decisions by analyzing vast amounts of data and providing insights into customer preferences and market trends.

AI has also transformed the online customer experience in many ways. Conversational AI, such as chatbots, can provide shoppers with quick, helpful responses to their questions, while virtual assistants can help guide them through the shopping process. These technologies not only enhance the shopping experience, but also provide valuable data to retailers about customer preferences and buying behaviors.

How Does Generative AI Actually Work in Ecommerce?

How does generative AI make personalization and other ecommerce successes so attainable? Through the power of algorithmic analysis. By using advanced data analysis tools, generative AI can identify customer behavior patterns and preferences, allowing businesses to create dynamic product recommendations and offers that speak directly to each customer.

Generative AI uses a variety of algorithms and specialized software to collect, analyze, and interpret data gathered from customer interactions and buying behaviors. With this data, algorithms are then developed to identify similar patterns and trends, enabling the creation of highly accurate and personalized consumer recommendations.

One of the key features of generative AI is its ability to learn and improve over time. The more data that is collected by the algorithms, the more refined the recommendations become. This is because the AI is constantly using the data to improve its predictions and make more accurate recommendations for each customer.

Another important factor to consider is the speed and scalability of generative AI algorithms. These algorithms can analyze large amounts of data in real time, allowing businesses to quickly respond to changing consumer trends and market conditions. This is particularly important in the ecommerce industry, where companies need to be able to react quickly to customer demands and changes in the market.

Generative AI will be impactful for the world of online shopping.

Generative AI and Conversational Commerce

Generative AI’s ability to automate customer interactions, create personalized product recommendations, and respond to customer-specific requests by mimicking natural language can now power ecommerce's newest trend — conversational commerce.

Conversational commerce represents the future of ecommerce as brands race to offer the most personalized experiences for customers without putting all the heavy lifting on their own internal marketers and merchandisers. Companies can also use generative AI to analyze customer behavior and use that analysis internally to develop potential areas of improvement for their own business practices.

Conversational commerce was previously very limited in the types of interactions it could offer to customers. The AI may have been able to match some of the keywords, but that didn’t always guarantee a relevant or helpful response to customers as the technology was not yet fully mature. Think about your friction-filled interactions with an AI chatbot a few years back as an example.

Now, thanks to generative AI, those issues pop up far less frequently. Many generative AI models facilitate actual conversations in conversational commerce and help brands deliver on the actual promise of being conversational in their strategies. In many cases, this serves as a more-than-adequate substitution for human intelligence.

Using large language models to power conversations is a huge boost to a brand's AI capabilities in today's uber-competitive ecommerce marketplace.

Harnessing the Power of Generative AI in Marketing Automation

Generative AI technology also offers a wealth of opportunities for marketing automation. By automating the process of creating, testing, and optimizing campaigns, businesses can streamline their workflows and free up valuable time for other tasks.

Generative AI can be used to automate a wide range of tasks, from creating personalized email campaigns to optimizing product recommendations. The algorithms can analyze data from multiple sources, identify patterns and preferences, and create tailored content that is more likely to resonate with customers.

AI has revolutionized the world of ecommerce marketing by providing companies with the tools needed to create more effective campaigns. By analyzing user data, AI algorithms can uncover insights into customer behaviors, preferences, and purchasing habits. This, in turn, enables businesses to create highly targeted campaigns that are more likely to resonate with their target audience.

AI can also help businesses optimize their advertising spend by identifying which channels and messages generate the best returns. By leveraging machine learning algorithms, businesses can analyze data from various sources to identify which ad campaigns are driving sales and which ones are not. This enables them to reallocate resources and optimize their advertising strategies for maximum impact.

Another area where AI has made a significant impact is in customer support. AI-powered chatbots are now widely used by ecommerce businesses to provide instant and personalized support to customers. These chatbots can handle a wide range of customer queries, from tracking orders to answering FAQs, without the need for human intervention. This helps businesses save time and resources while providing fast and efficient support to customers.

Generative AI will have a big impact on marketing automation software.

The Benefits of AI-Powered Marketing Automation

​​One of the most significant benefits of AI-powered automation is its ability to improve efficiency and reduce manual labor. For example, using AI algorithms, businesses can automate repetitive tasks like data entry or customer support, freeing up valuable time for staff to focus on more important tasks. Additionally, such automation reduces the likelihood of errors and inconsistencies, which can lead to costly mistakes and negatively impact the customer experience.

Another important benefit of AI-powered automation is its ability to process large amounts of data quickly and accurately. Traditional methods of data analysis can be time-consuming, error-prone, and insufficient for processing the vast amounts of data that companies collect. AI-powered algorithms, on the other hand, can quickly sift through massive amounts of data, identify patterns, and generate actionable insights. This enables businesses to make informed decisions in real time, resulting in more effective marketing campaigns and better customer experiences.

Furthermore, AI-powered marketing automation can improve the customer experience by providing personalized content and recommendations. With the help of AI algorithms, businesses can analyze customer data and provide tailored product recommendations, content, and messaging. This creates a more personalized experience for the customer, which can result in higher engagement and better customer satisfaction.

How Generative AI Is Enhancing Marketing Campaigns and Targeting Strategies

AI-powered marketing automation tools can also help businesses improve their targeting capabilities. By analyzing data on customer behavior, preferences, and demographics, AI algorithms can identify specific segments of customers that are more likely to respond to certain types of marketing messages. This enables businesses to create highly targeted campaigns that are more likely to drive sales and increase customer engagement.

Generative AI is changing the game when it comes to marketing campaigns and targeting strategies. ABy analyzing user data, these algorithms can now create personalized campaigns that are more likely to resonate with customers and lead to higher conversion rates.

Using generative AI technology, businesses can take data from multiple touchpoints, including social media, email campaigns, and website interactions, to create a holistic picture of the customer journey and generate more relevant campaigns. As a result, businesses can improve conversion rates and drive increased engagement from their target audience.

Streamlining Workflows and Improving Efficiency With Automation

In addition to automating marketing, AI-powered automation can be used to streamline processes across the entire ecommerce business. For example, by automating inventory management or shipping and fulfillment, businesses can reduce manual errors and improve efficiency. This not only improves the customer experience, but also helps businesses reduce costs and increase profitability.

Overall, AI technology is transforming the ecommerce industry by enabling businesses to create more targeted and personalized experiences while optimizing their operations. As AI continues to evolve and improve, we can expect to see even more exciting applications of this technology in the ecommerce space.

How Natural Language Processing Fuels Large Language Models and Generative AI

Generative AI is comparable to an artist working on a blank canvas or a chef cooking a meal from scratch. It creates new content from nothing, utilizing its knowledge to produce something entirely original. Whether it's crafting a poem, composing a melody, or designing a visual masterpiece, generative AI has the potential to breathe life into these creations.

Large language models, meanwhile, are revolutionizing communication methods and in turn impacting the outputs from these deep generative models. With their ability to understand, generate, and translate text, they prove incredibly useful in various applications. From customer support bots to virtual assistants, these models enhance communication's efficiency and effectiveness.

Natural language processing serves as a key component in both large language models and generative AI. By empowering machines to understand and respond to human language in a meaningful way, natural language processing is the pivotal force that brings these AI models to life.

Together, generative AI, large language models, and natural language processing are paving the way for a future where AI can match human creativity and communication. They are transforming industries and daily lives, making technology more accessible and user-friendly. With these technologies continuously evolving, the possibilities for the future are limitless.

It's clear that the future of ecommerce is here, and it's powered by artificial intelligence.

Generative AI and the Future of Ecommerce

Generative AI is already making a significant impact on the ecommerce industry, transforming the way that companies interact with customers and personalize their experiences. With the help of advanced analytical tools and algorithms, businesses can use data to create targeted marketing campaigns and optimized product recommendations. 

Generative AI is also helping ecommerce businesses automate various aspects of their operations, such as price optimization and product recommendations. By analyzing data in real time, generative AI algorithms can adjust prices on the fly and recommend products that are most likely to appeal to each customer. 

Overall, the impact of generative AI on ecommerce has been significant, providing businesses with new tools and strategies to grow and succeed in a highly competitive industry. As businesses continue to invest in this technology, they are likely to see continued benefits in terms of increased customer engagement, loyalty, and sales.

What does that mean for the future of ecommerce? No one truly knows. But early adoption of generative AI tools and processes within your organization, specifically your ecommerce marketing technology, will only allow your business to offer more personalized experiences to your customers and allow you to scale those experiences that you’re able to offer. 

Generative AI technology holds tremendous potential for ecommerce businesses. With the ability to automate manual processes, create personalized content and recommendations, and improve the overall customer experience, generative AI can help businesses stay ahead of the competition and create more engaging brand experiences for their customers. As AI algorithms and generative models continue to advance, we can expect to see even more exciting applications of this technology in the ecommerce space.

As the barometer in ecommerce shifts to which brands can offer the best possible online experience, now is the time to start using generative AI to optimize your company’s internal processes and external offerings. 

Bloomreach has been on the cutting edge over AI-powered technology for over 13 years. Our newest product — Bloomreach Clarity — is a conversational shopping product powered by the latest advancements in generative AI. Trained on real-time customer data, your product catalogs, and our 13+ years of data on how customers shop and search, Clarity allows every customer to seek guidance from your brand’s most trusted expert: you.

Watch the video below to learn more about Clarity and join the product waitlist today

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Carl Bleich

Head of Content at Bloomreach

Carl works with Bloomreach professionals to produce valuable, customer-centric content. A trusted expert with over 15 years of experience, Carl loves exploring unique ways to turn problems into solutions within digital commerce. Read more from Carl here.

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