According to CMSWire, a well-known online magazine run by independent CMS analysts, Arje Cahn was selected based on “mere talent, smarts, professional accomplishments, innovation and the level of activity in the industry”. The author goes on to “present the industry’s bright stars, the Empire-States of the CMS skyline”.
On the list are:
- Arje Cahn, CTO of Hippo
- David Nuescheler, CTO of Day Software
- Dries Buytaert, CTO of Acquia
- Eric Barocca, CEO of Nuxeo
- Niels Hartvig, founder of Umbraco
In the article, Cahn talks about his background and how he landed in the CMS industry:
“I’m proud to have co-founded a company that is still there after 10 years and two economic crises, and I’m proud of the level of expertise you get when sticking with a concept for so long.”
Read the full article on CMSWire: