Send Automated Order Confirmations and Shipping Notifications to Customers


Keep your customers updated with confirmations that their order has been placed and shipped.

  • “Your order just shipped from our warehouse and should be right at your door tomorrow! Tap to see more.”


Increase engagement and improve the customer experience.


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Video Transcript

Hello. I'm just gonna show a quick order
confirmation or any type
of transactional email. Uh
use case from Bloomreach engagement.
Uh All you have to do in Bloomreach
engagement is create your
uh email template that you want to use. So
your order confirmation email might be different
from the order shipment,
uh email that you might send and
any other transactional emails, they might have their own
look and feel and different variables and things like
that. So uh under data and
assets and asset manager, I can
simply create my email templates
that'll be listed here. So I have an example
order confirmation. We do even have some predefined
templates that can help you get started.
Uh Or if you have an existing one, you can use that.
So it's a pretty standard order confirmation
email that I'm gonna be using here where
uh I would include in the email
itself, um information
about my company as well as information
about the products that were purchased. So
if this is an order confirmation, these are
the items that are being ordered. Obviously,
these would be dynamic for the customer.
So, you know, depending on what what items
they did in fact, purchase the contents
of the email would be dynamic. So all I need
to do in this part is actually create
the uh order confirmation template.
The the creative aspect of it,
the way that you trigger order confirmations
is uh done a little bit different
than uh marketing communications through
bloomer engagement. So instead of
uh creating a campaign in sending
it in Bloomer engagement, U I, you
create the uh email template
like you're seeing here and then you actually
trigger this through as an api
call to our transactional email
endpoint. So there's a specific endpoint
that we have documentation on with
specific things that you pass. So you basically
have to tell us what template are you using?
That's the ID of the template. So I'm using my order
confirmation uh ID, who
is the person that purchased? So their email
uh And then there's also this param section where
you can enter any dynamic values you
want. So this is where you'd include someone's name
and or the items that they purchased and things
like that, that would actually populate the email.
So as I send this request,
uh it's going to say that the email,
it's gonna respond and say the email was sent
successfully. So if I go
over to my inbox now,
uh I should have this particular email
which uh I'll just pull
and just to show you this is triggered
separately. It's a different queue. So it's triggered
separately and it's in real time. So uh
of course, it has the name, which was one
of my parameters, everything else would be parameterized
as well. But this is the email that I just received
a second ago from this use case,
we log this as a campaign
event. So in the platform
for me as a person, if I refresh
my own uh my
own customer profile here,
you'll see that I do have the campaign events
associated to that particular
campaign, which was a transactional email
that I just sent myself.

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