Give Preference to Products From a Given Supplier or Brand


Fulfill initiatives and business requirements by soft boosting products from certain suppliers, brands, or vendors across your category pages.

  • Boost preferred vendors so their products appear higher on category pages.


Meet contractual obligations you may have with vendors.


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Video Transcript

I have a goal of getting more sales
of one of my most popular
brands, Pacific Abode
to do this. I'm going to increase its
visibility by giving
a boost across my search
my categories and my recommendations
with a global boost rule.
I do this by going into my global settings,
going into creating a global ranking
rule. I go into my list of attributes
and I find my specific brand
which is Pacific Abode
and this data is within my product catalog
data. Here I can set
and give a stronger weighting
a 50% boost to that specific
brand and that will apply across
my entire catalog.
I could set that to run for a specific time
if I would like or I could just let
that run indefinitely, which is gonna be what
I do at this time.
I can save that.
And now that global boost rule for
that brand
will be applied.

Life With Bloomreach

Watch this video to learn what your life could look like when you use Bloomreach.