Hippo launches Hippo CMS version 7.5 to empower your audience

Hippo CMS 7.5 is an enterprise-class open source software product designed to empower your audience. Consumers of Web content are now coming to expect context-enriched experiences that use location, presence, language, behavior, social attributes and other environmental information to anticipate their needs.

But Web content management solutions haven’t changed to meet this expectation. They still focus on pushing content out to static Web sites, and expect their customers to optimize their Web content based on a slow iteration of publish, test, review, re-design.

What if you could easily open your entire content repository to new channels as they emerge? What if you could optimize your content in real-time so that no matter how your customer engages – their experience is as good as it can possibly be? What if you could empower your audience to engage with your business on their terms?

With Hippo – the answer is “now you can”.

Hippo sets the standard for how organizations empower their audience to engage with content. Hippo CMS powers some of the largest and most visited Web properties in the world and is the first Web Content Management solution to deliver context-aware content for its customers. Whether it’s a Web site, a mobile app, intranet portal, ecommerce, social media or even print, Hippo’s software is a powerful tool for organizations to create, deliver and optimize content to create business value.

Hundreds of organizations use Hippo’s content platform to manage and deliver thousands of web properties including Hewlett Packard, Thomson/Reuters, Dolce & Gabbana, The University of Southern California, Incisive Media & The Government of the Netherlands.

And, empowering people is more than just software – it’s part of Hippo’s DNA. Hippo was one of the early pioneers of the Open Source movement, and the Hippo team has built and cultivated a community that fosters innovation and development of world-class software solutions. The Hippo platform is based on open source standards such as Java and Apache and what began as a better way to develop content management, has now transformed into the next generation of content delivery and audience empowerment.

Arjé Cahn, CTO of Hippo, said “Hippo CMS 7.5 is designed to help organizations that want to empower their audience. It provides them with an intuitive, flexible and enterprise-class content management system that will meet the unique contentmanagement needs of their business, with no data lock-in or excessive costs. The product was designed with ease of implementation and extensibility in mind.”

In the coming months, Hippo will further expand on the new concept of empowering your audience, focussing on context aware content & personalisation. Hippo CMS 7.5 is open source software that is free to download at http://www.onehippo.org, you can try Hippo CMS at https://www.onehippo.com/try or check our the video at: http://www.vimeo.com/19272293

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