With CMS 7.3 you now can:
- Allow site users to ‘discover’ and slice and dice content through the faceted navigation mechanism
- Click an edit button in the (preview) website and automatically open the cms interface at the right location to edit – no more searching or browsing in the content structure. We call this ‘surf and edit’
- Easily build web-forms straight from the CMS interface
- Define easy readable, search engine friendly URLs for your web-pages
- Employ a smart, rule-based, replication process to guarantee security and speed up your system
Hippo CMS 7.3 and HST Highlights
Faceted navigation
Hippo CMS 7.3 features secure real-time faceted navigation on the repository content. The new faceted view enables users to browse through any content in a loosely structured manner, drilling down or ‘slice and dice’ as they wish on certain combinations of tags and characteristics.
This function helps to find content faster and encourages users to spend more time on the site as they discover interesting content and topics. Faceted navigation really excels in a world with more and more user generated content, where predefined browse structures are inadequate. Check out the HST demo site to see a real life example.
Surf and Edit
Hippo CMS offers editors a preview website where they can view unpublished content as it is going to look in the real life website. When editors are browsing this preview website the new ‘surf and edit’ feature offers a quick and convenient way to jump directly to the corresponding document in Hippo CMS to quickly fix a typo or add a different image.
With surf and edit, there is no need to do a search for the original document from the CMS interface: clicking the edit button is sufficient to open up the exact content piece ready for editing in the familiar CMS interface.
Web-forms functionality allows you to quickly put together a form published on your web page with all the familiar elements. When forms are filled out they can generate emails sent to a predefined e-mail address. With this functionality being in the usual interface of the editor of web content, it becomes much easier to manage forms through Hippo CMS workflow and to seamlessly integrate forms with other content in your Hippo templates.
Pretty URLs
Hippo CMS 7.3 automatically suggests an easy to the eye and SEO-friendly URL name based on the document name inputted by the user. Alternatively, the editor can also manually change the URL, to reflect personal preferences and company policies.
Improved Search
Hippo CMS 7.3 has been enhanced such that the search is natural part of the navigation area. You can effortlessly search for documents in certain locations and get instantaneous results. The search improvements have also been applied to the image and link picker.
Smart Replication
Hippo now allows administrators to specify which subsets of content will be replicated automatically to repositories running elsewhere in a distributed environment. This allows you, for instance, to restrict the replication of confidential documents to domains within the firewall or to replicate localized language versions to localized servers.
For the full release notes, check the community pages