Video: Website Performance — Where Seconds Turn into Millions

Mike Cassidy
Mike Cassidy

There is no faster way to drive a customer crazy than to offer up a website that runs slower than the security line at your favorite airport.

IBM’s Patricia V. Waldron says consumer expectations are sky-high when it comes to customer experience. Here’s how retailers can distinguish themselves in consumers’ eyes.

But do you know who a slow website should really drive crazy? Enterprises that count on a creaky digital platform to deliver sales. Ann Ruckstuhl, of SOASTA, says that seconds mean dollars — big bucks, in fact — in the digital world. Site performance isn’t the sexiest aspect of the customer experience.

But Ruckstuhl, CMO of the Silicon Valley company that measures and improves digital performance, can drop some numbers on you that are bound to get your attention. We caught up with Ruckstuhl at, where she ran down some specific stats, including the math on Walmart’s $250 million site-speed revelation.

This is the second in a series of videos with thought leaders who attended the Retail’s Digital Summit in Dallas. Stayed tuned for more in the series.



Mike Cassidy

Lead Storyteller

Mike has defined the voice for fast-growing businesses establishing new markets in ways that elevate their brands and attract buyers at every stage of the buying experience.

He also has written stories about the rapid evolution of ecommerce, the power of machine learning and the fastinating challenges that face enterprises today.

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